by Barry Drue
Spc. Sara Cerne has been recognized by the United States Army for her role as a firefighter. She was one of the women soldiers who were profiled in honor of Women’s History Month in the base newspaper, the Fort Polk Guardian, at Fort Polk, LA. Cerne is a 12M Army firefighter assigned to the Fort Polk fire station. She serves with six other Army firefighters and several civilian firefighters. She is the only woman. Cerne is a 2013 L’Anse High School graduate who has shown plenty of determination and drive in her life and purpose. She is remembered for having brought together area cancer survivors and raising cancer awareness in her Girl Scout Gold Award project in L’Anse in her senior year. That project earned her an automatic advancement step when she joined the Army. She has gone on to be a leader among her peers in the Army, and is building her skills. The Specialist recently attended Leadership Training. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.