Clerks, poll workers run efficient election

TEDIOUS TASK–The Baraga County Board of Canvassers met for a second time on Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020, this time to certify the Nov. 3 election results. The canvassers met last Thursday for several hours to pour through the precinct-by precinct election numbers. By and large, the results proved it was a clean election in Baraga County. Pictured, l-r, are Clerk Wendy Goodreau, and canvassers Jim Ekdahl, Linda Murto, Steve Fair and Harold Ripple.

by Barry Drue
A huge turnout, thousands of first-time absentee ballots, a long ballot, endlessly long voting lines, a COVID pandemic and all the controversy of this entire national election season couldn’t derail the voting in Baraga County. County Clerk Wendy Goodreau and the county Board of Canvassers met last Thursday and found a remarkably clean election has been conducted. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.