by Barry Drue
The diehards wanted to cruise! In the midst of a record-setting rain across the UP last Saturday, Aug. 20, 2016, 16 hardcore car-nuts brought their machines to the Cue Master’s fourth annual Cue Cruise. Normal turn-out has been in the 70-90 vehicle range as clubs and individuals from across the region flock to Baraga. The unique event includes a loop around Baraga, jaunt around the head of the Keweenaw Bay to L’Anse and stops at the Frostie Freeze and Baraga Drive-In. “We had 16 vehicles that came out in the weather, and 12 of them went on the cruise. We talked about cancelling it but they wanted to go! We had some windshield wiper problems and foggy windshields so some of them couldn’t cruise,” said one of the volunteer organizers, Tom LaTendresse. He led the parade with his 1973 Plymouth Road Runner. To read more, subscribe to the L’Anse Sentinel online, or buy a print copy at our local retailers.